Monday, January 14, 2008

"Errors in the metadata manager" when restoring a SSAS cube

I am sure, if you ever tried to move a cube from one machine to another using the tried and tested backup-and-restore method, you came up with the XML error:
“The dd2:MemberKeysUnique element at line 1, column 74295 (namespace cannot appear under Load/ObjectDefinition/Dimension/Hierarchies/Hierarchy.

Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when instantiating a metadata object from the file, '...\Dimension Name.14.dim.xml'.
Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the CubeName cube, from the file, '...\CubeName.147.cub.xml'.

Wouldn’t you know it; Microsoft “spin-doctored” it as a feature not a bug. It turns out that you cannot restore a cube backed up in SSAS2K5 SP2 onto a machine running SSAS2K5 SP1. Their exact words :” This is by design”

As a workaround, If there is no SP2 available for the client, you can always delete the offending XML files and restore the cube again, but finding all the offending XML files can take some time.

At least now, you can quote Microsoft to yourself when you find the error… “Its by design”

You can check out their official splab on

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