Thursday, December 4, 2014

IBM AS400 Linked Server Keeps Crashing SQL Server

I recently had to set up a new Linked Server on SQL Server 2012. It connects to a remote AS400 server using IBM iSeries OLE DB driver (IBM DB2 for I5/OS IBM DA400 Ole DB Provider)

Setting it up was no problem, except, whenever I ran a query, SQL Service would crash when the query finished returning results.

I found loads of good ideas (Switch of DEP, check for Heap Corruption, etc) but nothing worked. Finally I tried each parameter until it worked and got it working!!

To fix:
* Open Linked Servers -> Providers
* Right Click on ABMDA400, Properties
* Tick "Allow InProcess"
* Close the windows

BOOM - It works!!

From what I can gather, using it "out of process" protects SQL from errors on 64-bit machines,

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