Monday, August 3, 2009

Dynamics Integration Manager Niggles

Being a newbie to GP IM (yet another ETL tool), I recently battled to get journals through to GP, and here is what I learned:

  • If you ever have an issue where GP doesn't return your columns, check your query... I had one calling a stored proc, and in the proc, had multiple statements... when running the proc in SSMS, it works, but in GP IM it doesn't... At the top of the proc include:
    "Set Nocount On"

    It turns out, it only runs up to the result it gets, then stops. This statement means don't return any row counts.

  • Make sure that, under Destination Mapping -> Entries-> Options, you have use "Use Source Recordset" for Recordset. If you don't, the batches will be created but won't have any transactions in them.

  • GP's ODBC connection can't have ANSI NULL translations. I had a "where" clause in the stored proc source stripping rows with no account number, but the rows were still being returned!?. I had to find another way to remove these rows (I joined to another source table to filter empty rows out)

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