Friday, October 24, 2014

Analysis Services Unknown Role that already exists

I was trying to re-deploy a SSAS project using Visual Studio 2010. Every time it deployed, I got the error "the 'role' with 'id' = 'role' doesn't exist in the collection"... Except, we don't have a role called "role".

Googling just led me to things like manually trying to update the .role file and correct it... except WE DON'T HAVE A ROLE CALLED "ROLE"

Desperate times calls for... thinking outside the box!! So I opened the solution in Visual Studio 2013 and deployed... and it worked first time around!!

Not sure why this works, so anyone who sees this post is more than welcome to leave an explanation, but I'll take it as a cheap win, and just say that the problem is fixed :-)

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